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Monday, 3rd April

10:00 Official inauguration of the Congress

    Lecture hall of the Escuela Politécnica Superior / Higher Technical School of Computer Science
    [Nr 6 in Campus map]

Wednesday, 5th April

20:00 Opening of the exhibition “The Spanish Adventure in the Near East”

    Museo Arqueológico Nacional [Maps: Small | Large]
    (National Archaeological Museum)
    Serrano, 13

Friday, 7th April

15:00 Official closing of the Congress

    Lecture hall of the Escuela Politécnica Superior / Higher Technical School of Computer Science
    [Nr 6 in Campus map]

22:00 Farewell cocktail

    Real Fábrica de Tapices [Map]
    (Royal Tapestry Factory)
    Fuenterrabía, 2