Home Workshops Posters Conference on Islamic Archaeology Forum Exhibitions Tours Social events Besides current sessions of the Congress and Workshops, we have foreseen the existence of a forum, a room where meetings or activities of special interest will be held for the public attending the Congress. At this moment there are included the following acts or meetings:

Tuesday, 4th April

In honorem P. E. Pecorella
     - Talks
     - Musical interpretation

Wednesday, 5th April

The ESF-ARCANE Programme
Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean (extended 3rd Millennium)

Announcers: (1h)
Pierre de Miroschedji (Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem)
"A short presentation" (12')

Marc Lebeau (European Centre for Upper Mesopotamian Studies)
"Operational aspects of the Programme" (12')

Edgar Peltenburg (University of Edinburgh)
"Benchmark Assemblages & ARCANE Inventories" (12')

Jean-Paul Thalmann (Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
"The ARCANE Data Base" (24')
Discussion (1h)

Thursday, 6th April

Presentation of the journal Isimu, Special number (Volume 7-8)