you for participating in the 3ICAANE and for contributing to its
success. The preparation of the Proceedings is now underway. Many
of you have confirmed their participation in this publication and
quite a few have already sent their paper.
publisher will be Eisenbrauns : we could hardly find a publisher
more competent and better used to distribute high quality publications
among orientalists. We are considering two hardbound volumes in
which the papers will be organized basically according to the thematic
sessions and workshops in which they were presented during Congress.
is committed to have the proceedings of the 3rd Congress published
in time for the 4th ICAANE in Berlin in the Spring of 2004, under
the condition that the edited manuscripts are handed over to him
in the Spring of 2003 at the latest. This entails for all of
us a drastic timetable.
we kindly asked you to submit your contribution not later than
January 1, 2003.
If you already know that you will be unable to keep this deadline,
please let us know as soon as possible so that we can plan the work
of our copy editors during the coming months.
many thanks for your kind cooperation,